Blog Story of Purajana

From Different Continents to a Holistic Oasis: The Inspiring Journey of Purajana

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Join us on a remarkable journey as we share the story of Purajana—your yoga-inspired haven created by Sonia and Stefan. From their teenage years spent continents apart to their shared vision of personal growth and transformation, discover how their individual paths converged to form a space dedicated to holistic wellbeing. In this blog post, we’ll explore the origins of Purajana, their mission to empower people to live integrated, healthier, and more creative lives, and the transformative practices they offer to help you navigate life with ease and grace.

Embracing the Wild Spirit

In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, Sonia and Stefan stood apart from the crowd. At the tender ages of 16 and 18, they both felt an insatiable thirst for adventure, a yearning to break free from the confines of the ordinary. Sonia, residing in the vibrant metropolis of Buenos Aires, and Stefan, living in the calm beauty of the German countryside, shared a deep-rooted desire for something more profound. It was during this transformative phase of their lives that they discovered the extraordinary power of Yoga, Meditation, and Qi Gong. These ancient practices became guiding lights, illuminating the path towards personal growth and self-discovery.

As Sonia and Stefan explored these transformative practices, they soon realized that the world held limitless possibilities—a vast horizon of unexplored territories and boundless connections. They understood that true freedom and authenticity lie in embracing the wild spirit within and transcending the barriers that society often imposes. Their journey towards a barrier-free existence had begun, and little did they know, it would lay the foundation for their shared dream.

Exploring a Shared Path: Building a Fulfilling Business and Personal Journey

During the time between their teenage years and the start of their business, Sonia and Stefan embarked on a remarkable journey together. Their paths first crossed during their Master’s studies in Milan, where they not only became a couple but also discovered a common desire for personal and professional fulfillment. They soon tied the knot and began their international careers, venturing into the corporate world with grounded aspirations.

Sonia found her way to Human Resources, working for a prominent consulting firm. Her exceptional skills in supporting and developing talent allowed her to make great contributions to the company’s growth. Meanwhile, Stefan charted a different course, starting his career in Financial Institutions before transitioning to various international Business Development roles in the Fast Moving Consumer Industry. His relentless drive and strategic mindset propelled him forward, opening doors to new opportunities. Their careers took them to different countries, with stints in Switzerland, Germany, and eventually settling on the East Coast of the United States for eight years. While building their family with two children, they embraced the richness of diverse cultures and experiences, immersing themselves in the vibrancy of each place they called home.

However, it was during their time in the United States that both Sonia and Stefan began to realize the transformative power of their passions. Sonia found herself drawn to yoga, embracing it as more than just a hobby. Her passion grew stronger as she decided to pursue formal training to become a certified yoga teacher. With dedicated effort and a thirst for knowledge, Sonia immersed herself in the study of yoga, honing her skills and expanding her understanding of its profound impact on the body and mind. Meanwhile, Stefan discovered a deep fascination with Pilates, particularly the Reformer Pilates method. The emphasis on core strength, flexibility, and overall physical well-being resonated with him on a profound level. Stefan found joy and fulfillment in each movement, experiencing firsthand the transformative effects of regular practice.

Together, Sonia and Stefan recognized the immense potential in their newfound passions. Inspired by the positive impact these practices had on their lives, they began envisioning a way to share their knowledge and help others. They dreamt of creating a business that would merge their professional expertise with their personal journeys of self-discovery and well-being.

Manifesting a Dream

After years of soul-searching, Sonia and Stefan returned to Frankfurt Germany, where their vision began to take shape. In January 2020, they brought their shared dream to life and introduced the world to Purajana – with the initial goal to blend the transformative power of yoga and Reformer Pilates with individual creativity. Purajana quickly became an oasis for urban people of all ages, offering a space where individuals could embark on a journey of self-discovery, find inner peace, and nurture their creative spark. The response was overwhelming, as people flocked to experience the unique atmosphere that Purajana offered.

Motivated by the resounding success and the growing demand for their offerings, Sonia and Stefan knew it was time to expand their horizons further. In January 2023, they proudly opened the doors to their new studio, marking a significant milestone in their journey. This larger and more dynamic space allowed them to enhance the Purajana experience, welcoming an even larger community of individuals seeking balance, rejuvenation, and personal growth.

Purajana: The Urban Tribe

At the heart of Purajana lies a Sanskrit word that encapsulates its essence—the Urban Tribe. Delving into the meaning behind this powerful term unveils the very fabric of Sonia and Stefan’s vision. Purajana represents not only their origins but also the way they aspire to live—a vibrant community of individuals united by a common purpose. Just as tribes have done throughout history, Purajana fosters a sense of belonging, connection, and support, creating a tapestry of diverse souls who come together to inspire and uplift one another.

Originating from different corners of the world, Sonia and Stefan have experienced the transformative power of community firsthand. They understand that human connection is an essential element in the pursuit of a fulfilling and meaningful life. By nurturing a sense of unity and shared values, Purajana aims to inspire individuals to lead integrated lives—a harmonious integration of mind, body, and spirit. It is a space where people of all ages and backgrounds can come together, forging deep connections, and embracing the richness that diversity brings.

Nurturing Wellbeing

At Purajana, personal discovery and growth are not just lofty ideals but the very foundation upon which the community is built. The founders, Sonia and Stefan, understand the importance of creating a space where individuals can embark on their unique journeys of self-discovery. It is within this nurturing environment that the magic happens—a sanctuary where personal wellbeing takes center stage.

Purajana offers more than just a physical space; it provides a supportive and inclusive community that embraces individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It is a place where people can explore, experiment, and push the boundaries of their own potential. Whether it’s through transformative Yoga or Reformer Pilates classes, immersive workshops and retreats or heartfelt conversations, Purajana creates an environment that encourages personal growth and fosters a deep sense of connection.

Combining ancient wisdom with modern technology

At Purajana, we believe in the power of merging the timeless wisdom of ancient practices with the cutting-edge developments of modern technology. Our approach to holistic well-being embraces the union of old and new, creating a transformative experience for our community.

Yoga, with its roots dating back thousands of years, brings a profound understanding of the mind-body connection, breathwork, and mindful movement. It provides a foundation for self-awareness, strength, and flexibility. Reformer Pilates, developed in the early 20th century, offers a dynamic and engaging workout that enhances core strength, stability, and overall body conditioning.

In parallel, modern technology has opened doors to new possibilities in optimizing well-being. The Cryo chamber, for instance, harnesses the power of extreme cold applications to support recovery, reduce inflammation, and invigorate the body. This innovative technology complements the physical and mental benefits of yoga and Reformer Pilates, offering a comprehensive approach to rejuvenation and vitality. On the other spectrum Purajana uses the healing power of infrared heat in their yoga practice to help alleviate pain, improve circulation, and promote relaxation.

Our aim is to provide our community with an all-encompassing experience that nurtures their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By embracing the wisdom of the past and harnessing the potential of new technologies, we empower individuals to explore their inner landscapes, enhance their physical capabilities, and cultivate a deep sense of balance and harmony.

The Journey from Studio to Everyday Life

Stepping onto the yoga mat within the safe confines of a studio is an experience like no other. It is a space where the outside world fades away, and individuals can immerse themselves fully in the practice of self-care and self-discovery. However, Sonia and Stefan, the visionaries behind Purajana, understand that the true essence of wellbeing lies in the ability to carry the lessons learned on the mat into the complexities of everyday life.

Transitioning from the nurturing embrace of the studio to the daily challenges of the outside world can be a not so easy task. The demands of daily life can sometimes feel overwhelming, causing us to lose touch with the peace and balance we find during our practice.

Finding ease, clarity, and grace in the face of life’s inevitable ups and downs is not an overnight achievement. It is a continuous practice, one that unfolds gradually as we integrate the experiences learned within the studio into our everyday lives. With the support of the Purajana community, you will discover the tools and strategies to maintain your sense of balance, peace, and authenticity even in the midst of chaos.


Discover the story of Purajana—an embodiment of Sonia and Stefan’s shared dreams and their commitment and passion to empowering others. Through a blend of ancient wisdom, modern science, and a vibrant community, Purajana offers a space for self-discovery, personal growth, and holistic wellbeing. Embrace your wild spirit, unlock your creativity, and join the urban tribe that is redefining the way we live and thrive.



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