Restorative Yoga with Infrared Heat

Relax, let go and recharge your energy with Restorative Yoga while you feel the healing warmth of the infrared heat

"Receive the breath, receive the weight of the body, receive the moment. Give up ambition, give up movement, give up fear...and rest."

Restorative Yoga

What is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative Yoga is a meditative discipline that utilizes various props, such as blocks, straps, bolsters, and blankets, to fully support the body and facilitate the relaxation of both the mind and body.

This practice is characterized by a gentle pace that aims to alleviate deep-seated tension in a passive manner, without requiring active stretching. Combined with Infrared heat this Restorative Yoga practice increases your health benefits for mind and body.

"Restorative yoga helps us cultivate the skill of conscious relaxation"

Restorative Yoga

Why Infrared Heat?

We use Far Infrared to directly heat our Yoga room, providing a deep penetrating warmth that lands on your body while keeping the room cool. This type of heat is similar to the warmth of the summer sun but without harmful UV exposure. Our infrared hot/warm Yoga experience is comfortable, invigorating, and doesn't leave you feeling stuffy or dehydrated.

What are the benefits of Restorative Yoga with Infrared Heat?

 Restorative activates the parasympathetic nervous system and allows yogis to relieve the psychological and physical stress levels in their bodies. In combination with infrared heat this are some benefit:

Restorative Yoga

What is the difference between Restorative and Yin Yoga?

Restorative yoga and yin yoga are two different styles of yoga, but both teach to cultivate a strong inner awareness and stillness. While both styles may use props, restorative yoga uses them to fully support and relax your body, while yin yoga uses them to deepen or adjust poses.

Restorative yoga aims to create a meditative and relaxing experience without the need for active stretching. Yin Yoga focuses on stretching the deep connective tissues in our body and can be very challenging.


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3 Classes

  • 1 month valid

1 Class


10 Classes

  • 6 month valid


  • per Month

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Restorative Yoga mit Infrarotwärme ist wunderbar sowohl für Yoga-Anfänger:innen als auch für erfahrene Praktizierende. Wenn du nach einem Yogastil suchst, der mehr Entspannung und Ruhe in dein Leben bringt, ist Restorative Yoga eine hervorragende Ergänzung zu anderen Bewegungsformen. Die langsamen, sanften Bewegungen können helfen, Stress und Anspannung abzubauen, und die Verwendung von Yoga Hilfsmitteln helfen dir, den Körper zu stützen und die Flexibilität zu verbessern.

Far infrared heating is 100% safe and natural for our body and well-being as the human body is designed to absorb and emit infrared. The feeling of warmth from infrared is particularly pleasant. The water in our skin responds well to this particular wavelength of heat, which is why it is also referred to as the "Vital Range" of heat. Far infrared rays are the same heat you would feel on a sandy beach or sun-warmed rocks. In contrast to sunlight, however, infrared heat does not contain harmful UV rays. Would you like to know more about our far infrared lamps? Then you can go to the website of our manufacturer Herschel.

People with untreated cardiovascular diseases or problems (e.g. high or low blood pressure), people taking medications that may affect blood pressure, or pregnant women should not practice infrared heat restorative yoga.