Restorative Yoga

The Magic of Restorative Yoga - Introduction to a deeply relaxing practice

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It is difficult to explain the magic of Restorative Yoga. It's a simple practice, but its effects can be really profound and far-reaching. With the gentle and long-held poses, it's hard to imagine how much Restorative Yoga affects your nervous system. But the indescribable feeling of relaxation and inner peace after the practice is clear. 

Here is a personal guide to this calming practice.

Where does Restorative Yoga come from?

Restorative Yoga stems from the work of B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the leading yoga teachers worldwide. He realized that his students needed relaxation after the physically demanding yoga exercises. B.K.S. Iyengar discovered how yoga props can support the body in certain postures and lead to deep relaxation. Restorative Yoga has since evolved through different styles and teachers, but its principles remain the same: it uses calming physical postures and techniques to calm the body and mind, and has emotional benefits.

How does Restorative Yoga affect my body?

Restorative Yoga has a very calming effect on the body by activating a relaxation response. This reaction has a calming effect on the nervous system and triggers the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system. This branch is responsible for the "rest-and-digestion response" as it helps regulate and slow down the body's systems. Through the use of Restorative Yoga techniques such as guided meditation, relaxing postures, and breathing exercises, practitioners can target the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system and experience many benefits, such as a slower heartbeat, improved digestion, and relaxed muscles. These techniques can create both physical and emotional changes in the body.

Is Restorative Yoga Good For Me?

Anyone can practice Restorative Yoga as it is a gentle, slow, and adaptive practice that uses yogic props and simple positions to calm the body. Restorative Yoga can be tailored to suit any body type, even those with physical limitations or injuries. This practice is especially beneficial for beginners and people looking to relieve stress and relax. It is an inclusive practice that welcomes everyone.

What is Restorative Yoga? A look at the 5 most important properties

1. Breathing exercise (Pranajama) and meditation

The practice begins with gentle meditation and/or breathing exercises to create a calming atmosphere and prepare the mind and body for relaxation.

2. Simple yoga postures (asanas)

Basic postures are taught with yoga aids such as bolsters, blankets, blocks and straps. These poses are usually very low to the ground and easy.

3. Yoga props

These are used to support the body and allow full surrender to gravity, releasing muscular control.

4. Long holding times

The poses are held for an extended period of time to create a safe space for the body and mind to let go.

5. Deep Relaxation:

Die Haltungen können zu Zuständen tiefer Entspannung, sogar Schlaf, führen, aber die eigentliche Absicht besteht darin, wach und bewusst zu bleiben, während man sich in einem Zustand ruhiger Entspannung befindet.

Why You Should Try Restorative Yoga?

Restorative yoga is a truly powerful practice with numerous benefits for the body as a whole. By targeting and calming the nervous system, it has the potential to reduce stress and anxiety, regulate heartbeat and blood pressure, and even improve digestion. Its ability to shut down the nervous system makes it a powerful tool for general well-being. With regular practice and purposeful intention, you can experience the many benefits of restorative yoga and its ability to positively impact your mind and body.

Learn more about the new Restorative Yoga classes at Purajana

Or book your place in the Restorative Yoga class directly



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