Adventskalender Fitness

Advent calendar fitness idea: ICAROS voucher for core training (2023)

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Your Advent calendar becomes a fitness highlight!

Welcome to Purajana, where fitness and fun go hand in hand! In this blog post you will find out how you can make your Advent calendar a highlight with our ICAROS voucher and how you can give a gift of health with the ICAROS Core Training.

Why ICAROS? The experience of core training and exergaming

ICAROS is not just a fitness device; it is a fascinating combination of core training and exergaming. Immerse yourself in an innovative world where fitness meets virtual reality. Discover how you can strengthen your deep muscles with the ICAROS and thus develop more stability and balance for the holidays.

Adventskalender Fitness

Your exclusive fitness voucher: 2 ICAROS flights for only €30!

Now it's getting exciting! Get an exclusive Icaros voucher and give away 2 flights for just €30. Don't miss the chance to pass on this revolutionary core training experience to your family, friends or colleagues.

The fitness benefits of core training with Icaros

Why is core training so important and how can ICAROS help? Find out more about the diverse benefits of core training with ICAROS, from building muscle to improving coordination, in our blog post:

Exergaming Revolution: Core Training takes Flight with ICAROS.

You can find an overview of current studies on the effectiveness of ICAROS at the link below:

Studies on the effectiveness of ICAROS

Your next step: Get your ICAROS Advent calendar fitness voucher!

Ready for a unique fitness adventure? Get your exclusive ICAROS voucher for core training with Exergaming now and start the holidays fit! Your body will thank you.

Beim Zeiten & Preise Reiter auf unserer Webseite wählst du Preise und Gutscheine, scrollst runter bis ans Ende der Seite, klickst auf Gutscheine, dann weitere Produkte und wählst ‚2 Session ICAROS Flight Neukunden‚ aus.

How the ICAROS voucher is redeemed

We want to make sure you get the most out of your exclusive offer. In this section we will explain step by step how easy it is to redeem the ICAROS voucher and start your adventure.

After purchasing a voucher online, you will receive a voucher code by email. You can then give this voucher code away as a gift. In order for the recipient to be able to redeem the voucher, they need a customer profile and must therefore register with Purajana. The recipient can then redeem the voucher when booking the class by entering the code and clicking on Apply Code.

We would also be happy to send you a nice ICAROS voucher card that you can print out yourself.

Get your ICAROS voucher now and let your loved ones immerse themselves in the world of core training with exergaming. We look forward to welcoming you to Purajana.



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